Found 3 blog entries tagged as kw.

When it comes to deciding whether to sell your home takes in a lot of factors. For me and my husband we sold our last home about 6 years ago. It was a big decision for us and we knew we had a lot of work to get our home ready to receive the best offer on it. Of course, you may say the market was different back then, however, it really wasn't much different. My personal experience of selling our own home and helping people buy and sell homes over a long period of time has given me a unique perspective on the best ways to get homes sold and to get the best price when selling them. 

The preparation is key before putting homes on the market. Setting the right price is key to attracting the most amount of buyers in a certain price range. Once that is in…

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My answer to the above headline, Bull!!. The sky is not falling! The market is changing but in real estate the market always goes through changes. Let's talk a little about what is causing the commotion about what people are now seeing or starting to see in the Collin County market for resale homes. First, lets look back a little bit over the past two years. Before ever going into the pandemic, housing supply in Texas was already not keeping up with demand. Then the pandemic hit. Wallah! As if by magic, people saw home prices escalating at a phenomenal rate. The shortage of inventory caused a feeding frenzy for the available homes and when that happens prices escalate. This competition between buyers led to multiple offers and offers way above list…

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As I told people in May the market was changing. So what do I see right now in July? Much more inventory has come on the market in our area over the past two months and that is giving buyers a lot of choices. When buyer's have a lot of choices that means offers for homes will also change. Why? When sellers have more homes to compete with then to get their homes sold they will need to be more willing to look at offers that are not like those that came in two months ago. In fact, those offers have basically come to a halt. We might see a few offers come in slightly above list but most are now coming in at or below list price. Buyers are being told by their Realtors that they are not facing the kind of competition on each home as they were before, which…

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