I was asked the other day why I joined Keller Williams Realty? First, let me give you a little history. I had been a part of a company that changed hands a couple of times. My first big company I worked for in Plano was Paula Stringer Realtors and they sold out to Merrill Lynch and then a while later sold to Prudential. Even that franchise went under some changes with one franchise selling out to another. However, I stayed with the companies even though they became different entities. Why did I stay? First, I was very comfortable, my split was acceptable, and I thought they provided me with an environment that helped me create business. In 2000, my husband came on board with me and started to analyze our business model and our expenses. I can remember him going over the numbers with me and I really didn't like what he was saying because I was set in my opinion. He was definitely a change agent and his business experience was extremely good. However, I knew what I knew and he was challenging me on my beliefs. The key question he asked: What is your broker doing for you that you are willing to give him so much of your income? I had a hard time answering that question but I firmly believed at that point in my career that they gave me a lot of help with getting business. Of course, he challenged that daily. He indicated that it was I who created the business and it was I who was responsible for my own success. As he spoke to me over a period of approximately 3 to 4 years showing me numbers, going over our processes, and just generally challenging me on my beliefs, I came to realize that I was really in charge of my own outcome.

Larry showed me what I could do with my money if I had more of it to make decisions with. I could make decisions on my own computers, systems, letterheads, and many other advertising sources, if we had the capital to do it with. I knew I was not happy about where my company was going at that point in time and the more he spoke to me the more I understood he was right. So the question was not about whether I should make a change but what was the best option for me and my team. Larry actually helped with that decision as well. He reviewed all the brokers programs or many of them and then he came upon the KW Red Book and read it. He told me that if I was going to stay with a franchise then this is the one he felt we should pick and gave me the reasons why from his perspective. First, he said after reading the book, what Gary Keller was saying about forming a team and the benefit of it was something we were already doing. Next, he pointed out their business model based on "bottom up" not top down managing. In other words agent centered. I liked this a lot. Next was their culture, God, Family, and then business and  profit sharing. All of these things were important to me. I did not want to start my own brokerage because I felt that would be to much of a stretch and so I decided to go to KW. We planned our change and we implemented it without any issues with the help of the KW team. I thought I would lose some business but by surprise I actually increased my business that year and the money we saved from making the change allowed us to have a large office space, new equipment and many other things I did not have at my previous broker. My revenues have increased and I have increased the size and scope of my team. It has allowed me to offer much improved services and to enjoy a company that recognizes the agent as the driving part of their company. If it had not been for my husband, it would have taken me even longer to make a decision since I was busy taken care of those we provide services to. Having a consultant like my husband made a big difference in my ability to change.

I have now been at KW since 2004 and I am very happy with the move. Change is hard at times and one needs to be able to look at all the things that is driving the need for change. Sometimes it is staring you right in the face and you are afraid to confront it for fear of loosing business. If that is the decision then it is a bad one. I made the change based on information and that was the key to making a sound decision. I am very happy being a Keller Williams agent.

Posted by Roxanne DeBerry on
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