Great Question! Let's just look back two months ago in the Collin County and North Dallas area. Supply was short, competition for homes was fierce, frustrations were high and disappointments happened all to frequently. Ask yourself, "what are the negatives today"? You might say that interest rates are higher but should that be a big disappointment when looking to purchase a home. Sure, it is a consideration. Today, a buyer for a home has much more choices and is not facing escalating home prices due to the shortage of homes. Are homes still priced higher than in the past yes they are. However, that is true year over year.
Today our economy in Texas is still very strong and based on all the articles we read, I don't see that changing any time soon. If you are making an argument that you are concerned with the economy, that may be fair but in our area, I don't think it is really realistic. Companies like Texas Instruments, Caterpillar and others are expanding in our area and we will see others. By companies moving here they have an impact on wages, housing and keeping our local economy very strong. We are presently working with buyers and seller of residential real estate and we listen closely to their concerns. I can tell you based on what we are hearing, they see our economy to be strong and are definitely hopeful for the future. If you had looked back when the pandemic started we saw lots of concern, as well we should. However, that time has basically past and our road ahead looks bright.
I do want to pass on this advice. If you are looking to purchase or sell a home, take time and speak with a Realtor. You won't be charged a thing for seeking out their advice. In fact, you can always give me a call at 214-676-8040 and I will be happy to let you know what I see in your particular area. I do this frequently even when people are a ways from actually making a decision. I enjoy being of service. I do realize everyone has their own particular situation but I don't want people to have doubts that hold them back from making an informed decision. Don't let fear dictate your decision making when it comes to decide on whether to buy or sell a home. Allow us to help you with one of your most important decisions.
Roxanne DeBerry-Realtor
The DeBerry Team of KW
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