Found 7 blog entries tagged as Realtor.

Is the residential real estate profession the right one for you? The statistics say this profession has the highest turnover than any other profession. Other stats say that only 20% of realtors do 80% of the business. The cost can be high to be a realtor since it is commissioned based and realtors only keep part of the commission that they earn. Why you may ask? Realtors have to pay their Broker’s based on a percentage basis or by other means, there are real estate fees, marketing fees, office rent if you have one, equipment if you are on your own or possibly paying the Broker for those types of things and if you are going to be good you have to be continually looking for new business by lots of methods which takes time, knowledge and money. At this point…

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No, I am not kidding! Why do I feel that it is a good time to sell? Median sales prices in Collin County have risen 7% from January of this year. Next, inventory of homes is slowly growing and this will affect home prices in the future. Now is a good time to sell.

Is demand there? Let me put it this way, is there enough inventory to meet the existing demand? The answer is no. However, we are seeing inventory growing which will give more choices to buyers in the market and the more it does the more competition sellers will have to compete with. Now is a good time to sell while inventory is low.

There are times to take advantage of markets and this is one of them. You can wait and see or you can check with a realtor to find out what the best decision…

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As I look out my window all I can see is all this white stuff! It isn't snow but more like sleet and maybe snow mixed in. I had to make sure that some of the homes I am selling that are vacant had their heat on so we wouldn't have any busted pipes. Yes, I do that for my sellers who have already moved and have their home on the market. Anyway, that is just what we do for those we serve. I also check in frequently with my sellers as well as my past clients just in case they need any advice during this type of weather. I am happy that I can be of assistance when they need it. Here we are at the end of January and the beginning of February. What has happened in the Collin County Real Estate Market? History tell us that January is not one of the most active…

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As this year comes to a close. I want to thank all those who used the service of The DeBerry Team for their home buying and home selling needs. At the first of the year it was a little frustrating for some of the buyers trying to outbid someone on a home. Today as we move into the new year that has changed. I feel that it is a good thing when buyers of homes have choices and that they have the opportunity to compete on a more level ground as we have today and going into 2023. Our sellers may not receive the way over asking price but I know that our team will be able to get them more for their home than many of the other Realtors in the market. We have a great program for making that happen. I will talk more in detail about this program next year..


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Great Question! Let's just look back two months ago in the Collin County and North Dallas area. Supply was short, competition for homes was fierce, frustrations were high and disappointments happened all to frequently. Ask yourself, "what are the negatives today"? You might say that interest rates are higher but should that be a big disappointment when looking to purchase a home. Sure, it is a consideration. Today, a buyer for a home has much more choices and is not facing escalating home prices due to the shortage of homes. Are homes still priced higher than in the past yes they are. However, that is true year over year. 

Today our economy in Texas is still very strong and based on all the articles we read, I don't see that changing any time soon. If…

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When it comes to deciding whether to sell your home takes in a lot of factors. For me and my husband we sold our last home about 6 years ago. It was a big decision for us and we knew we had a lot of work to get our home ready to receive the best offer on it. Of course, you may say the market was different back then, however, it really wasn't much different. My personal experience of selling our own home and helping people buy and sell homes over a long period of time has given me a unique perspective on the best ways to get homes sold and to get the best price when selling them. 

The preparation is key before putting homes on the market. Setting the right price is key to attracting the most amount of buyers in a certain price range. Once that is in…

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As a Realtor, I continue to try to keep up with what is going on in the real estate industry. One of the things that I get questions about is what is "I" Buyers. I will try to explain based on what I've read on this internet way to receive offers on homes for sale listed on a particular platform. Today, there are companies that have programs that allow internet offers directly to sellers without the aid of a Realtor Buyer Agent. These internet platforms, as I understand it, represent the seller only, not the buyer. They have some sort of disclosure that notifies the buyer of their representation agreement based on state requirements. At this point, the majority of buyers want a realtor to assist them with making an offer as well as helping with the…

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