Found 3 blog entries tagged as home buyer.

Depending on how you view the term the" Ides Of March" whether positive or negative, it can also apply to the Collin County single family home real estate market. It was not a "killer Market" if you reference it to the death of "Julius Caesar" or a kickoff to a "Spring Festival." It is the 1st quarter of the year in real estate and in most cases through history it has been a slower time in overall real estate transactions. If you apply good or bad to this time of the year, you are missing the point. Yes, this year has been off compared to the last 2 1/2 years. In some cases by quite a bit but in others not so much. Homes are selling and that means people are buying. The next quarter will really tell us if the market is going to get back on track to it's…

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I am not saying that you need to run out and buy a home immediately. What I am concerned about for buyers is that inventory moved up through October 23 of 2022 and since then has continually come down from that high. In other words, we were seeing about a 2.1 months of inventory and up to that point it was continually increasing. Since then it has dropped back to about 1.6 months of inventory on resale homes in North Dallas and Collin County. This is still much more than months previous but not moving in the right direction or holding like we would like to see. The urgency? If I was a potential buyer of residential real estate looking to purchase a home, I would factor this information into when is the right time to buy. Why? If you recall, there were…

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Great Question! Let's just look back two months ago in the Collin County and North Dallas area. Supply was short, competition for homes was fierce, frustrations were high and disappointments happened all to frequently. Ask yourself, "what are the negatives today"? You might say that interest rates are higher but should that be a big disappointment when looking to purchase a home. Sure, it is a consideration. Today, a buyer for a home has much more choices and is not facing escalating home prices due to the shortage of homes. Are homes still priced higher than in the past yes they are. However, that is true year over year. 

Today our economy in Texas is still very strong and based on all the articles we read, I don't see that changing any time soon. If…

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