When making a decision to sell a home you usually want to look at what is going on in the market. Are homes selling for higher prices as in a "Sellers Market" or are homes selling at competitive prices as in a "Buyers Market". My advice here is that no matter what the market if you are planning on selling and then buying another home the market really isn't the major decision. The reason I say this is because if you sell when the market is considered a "Buyers Market" you may sell for less but when you also go to purchase prices will be competitive as well. If it is a "Sellers Market" then you may sell for more but you will also have to expect to pay more for the next home. They key is to understand that usually in a "Sellers Market" inventory that you want to choose from may not be as high which limits your choices to some degree. If it is a "Buyers Market" then there will be plenty of inventory to choose from. The only exception is if you are a "first time home buyer" which means you could be paying more in this type of market for a home. Don't let the market dictate your desire to purchase a home. Posted by Roxanne DeBerry on
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